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Kuhn adds novel front pick

Nov 07, 2023

The novel addition of a camless pick-up on Kuhn’s new GA 8131 CL rake provides a degree of aeration to grass that lies between the two rotors.

Mounted centrally behind the linkage, it lifts and agitates the crop against an adjustable deflector plate to ensure it dries at the same rate as the material moved by the rotor tines, ostensibly to produce a more homogenous end product.

See also: Pottinger rake skid increases forage quality for Gloucestershire farmer

It’s hydraulically driven, so rotation speed can be tweaked from the tractor cab, and it automatically lifts and lowers with the rotors during headland manoeuvres.

As with the standard 8131 model, the rake offers working widths from 7.1m to 8m, has an under-rotor clearance of between 43cm and 70cm (depending on the working width) and runs via Master Drive GIII gearboxes.

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